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Faith Diggs/CEO

Faith Diggs is a Filmmaker, Songwriter, Artist and Owner of "Progue Fashion" Clothing Brand. She has been featured in National Magazines such as “Grace Today” with Michelle Obama on the Cover and “Rolling Out” with Chris Brown on the Cover.


She has written songs that have received radio play from WGCI and movies that have been reviewed by major distribution companies such as LIONSGATE and MGM. Her endeavor is to assist the underprivileged by joining them in the music, television, film and fashion Industry with known celebrities to launch them to new dimensions.  She has mentored Chicago Public School Students in the Arts, casting them in her movies which has garnered vast media attention for them.



F.A.I.T.H. Productions, Inc- Our mission is to form a meet that joins the common with the elite. We are interested in joining community people nationally, aspiring youth and adults in the art of film, television, dance, music, poetry, fashion and other categories, with recognizable names in entertainment.  


We pride ourselves in creating and producing material such as stage plays, movies, television shows, music productions  and runway fashion shows that allow community people to channel their artistic skills by creating platforms not so readily available to them.  Our Goal?  To launch Artists to new dimensions.


VISION: Our vision is to  see aspiring Entertainers grace the big screen, sit in seats of prominence where they Impact the Entertainment Industry with Innovative and creative strategies. These strategies are unique in nature...WE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!



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